Thursday, January 3, 2013

What R U Capable Of?

The future is only the beginning...what are you capable of?
Here’s the truth…something I have never said in an interview or to anyone who doesn’t know me very well.  

Order of the Seers is about you (and me).

Sure, it’s wrapped in a sci-fi adventure that I hope keeps you interested, but that’s not really the point.  The real question is not how will the Seers escape?  The real question is how will you? –

-        - from your own fears
-        - from the shackles of other people’s expectations and limitations for you
-         - from your own ignorance of who and what you really are

What would your life look like if you understood your true purpose and potential? 

What would you do?

What would you be capable of?

I crawl towards my own answers to these questions every day, helplessly dragging my fears behind me.  But I keep moving because I desperately want to know…to free myself and LIVE.

The good news is the farther I go, the clearer the answers become to me.  The bad news is that, most days, I barely lift my head up to see how far I’ve come.  

So I ask you again…what are you capable of?  What are your fears? What are your triumphs? Tell me and maybe we can help each other along the road we make as we discover it.

As always, if you're out there, thanks for reading!
~ Cerece
This post was inspired by The Icarus Deception, written by the continually encouraging Seth Godin and this video. 

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