I went to my senior prom stag, mostly because I didn’t know
any boys to ask. Lucky for me, I went to
an all-girls school, so going solo was taken as a sign of independence. But now I find that, as an unpublished
author-in-waiting, it’s high school all over again. Except now I’m waiting for someone to ask me
to the dance (an agent/publisher to call) and if they don’t, the question is –
if I go stag (self-publish) will it be seen by the industry as a sign of
independence or a sign that I wasn’t good enough to be asked?
I read a fascinating article by
the Los
Angeles Review of Books the other day on why self-published authors don’t
get reviewed by newspaper papers, trade magazines, etc. In it, a traditionally-published
author suggested that before she was established “I didn’t think I could call
myself a writer if I paid someone else to publish my stuff.” I had to read the statement twice, then check
it again to make sure it was a grown-person saying it. When all was confirmed, I sat back and
thought, “Wow…what a mind job.” Before she gave self-publishing a try - in her
world – you were only a writer if someone else said so.
*Pregnant Pause*
That’s just way too much power to
put in someone else’s hands. Even if I
never publish a thing, I am a writer.
Before, I was sheepish about saying it, but after reading that article I
realized that I don’t want to approach my career in writing like a 17 year old
girl hoping to be asked to the prom.
Even though it feels like the Wild Wild West in publishing these days
and I have no idea how my efforts to publish traditionally will pan out, I know
I have to believe in my own work first.
Whatever happens, who I am and what I do has to start and end with
If you’re out there, thanks for
~ Cerece
I've heard so many stories about artists who sold hundreds of thousands of records without being on the radio. So some artists got that they didn't need to be on the radio to be heard in mass. I remember talking on a panel saying Myspace was dieing and artists needed to think of other platforms. I almost got booed off the stage...but look what happened. There's other ways to be heard!